Capture a Distributor Breakage and Print a Returns Checking Slip

Thandekile Updated by Thandekile


A Distributor is required to send an order form with all the broken items recorded on it, this form will then be checked with Security against the broken items that have been brought back, then sent to the Procurement team so it can be captured onto Odoo. The Distributor Breakage (Credit Note) Operation is used to only capture the Items that the distributor does not wish to replace, therefore they have to be credited for those items . These are also known as (Breakages to stay).

Responsible Team

  • Procurement & Stock Management Clerk
  • Procurement Manager
  • Warehouse Manager

Navigate to your Odoo dashboard and click on this application: Inventory

Please navigate as follows to get to the correct screen:

Inventory Overview/ Distributor Breakages (Credit Note)

You should now land on a screen that looks like this:


  1. Search for the Reference of the Breakage Return that you're updating, and click on it. Your screen should like this:
  2. Click [EDIT] to begin capturing.
  3. Under the Tab Operations, click on Add a Line and enter the product code or description of the product that is being returned as damaged.
  4. Enter the quantity being returned.
  5. Repeat until all products have been captured.
  6. Click [SAVE], a Returns Checking slip is now ready for printing.
  7. To print the Returns Checking Slip, click on [PRINT], the pdf will automatically download



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Validate a Distributor Breakage (Credit Note)
