Capture a Distributor Breakage (Replacements) and Print a Return Checking Slip

Thandekile Updated by Thandekile


A Distributor will return all the damaged items to the BBB warehouse, these items will be accompanied by an order form with all the broken items recorded on it. The Distributor Breakage (Replacement) Operation is used to only capture the Items that the distributor requests to be replaced with new items.

Security will check whether the items returned correspond with the quantity recorded on the form. All damaged items will then be replaced if there is stock of the same item at the warehouse. If no stock is available to replace the items, the broken items can bee credited.

Once this is done and verified by security, the form is sent to the Inventory team to be captured onto Odoo.

Responsible Team

  • Procurement & Stock Management Clerk
  • Procurement Manager
  • Warehouse Manager

Navigate to your Odoo dashboard and click on this application: Inventory

Please navigate as follows to get to the correct screen:

Inventory Overview/ Distributor Breakages (Replacement)

You should now land on a screen that looks like this:


  1. Click [CREATE] to begin capturing, you should land on a screen that looks like this:
  2. Under the field labelled Contact, search for and select the Distributor returning the damaged products.
  3. Under the Tab Operations, click on 'Add a Line' and enter the Item code or description of the products damaged products as well as the qty under the Done field.
  4. Click on [SAVE].
  5. To print the Returns Checking Slip, click on [PRINT], the pdf will automatically download, the slip should look like this:



How did we do?

Validating a Distributor Breakage - Replacement
