How to Log a New Feature request Ticket in Odoo

Thandekile Updated by Thandekile


A new feature is an enhancement to the existing software applications, and performs new functionality or reporting. A new feature would typically require analysis, design and build from ICT. If existing ICT related products and services do not function as expected or is missing, this should be logged as a Support ticket, and will be managed as such.

Navigate to your Odoo dashboard and click on this application: Help

Please navigate as follows to get to the correct screen: Help/ Log a New feature request

You should now land on a screen that looks like this:


  1. Select the form that suits the requirement, you should land on a screen that looks like this:
    1. Fill out the form as shown in the screen above. In the motivation, try to follow the User Story Format, i.e. :
      1. As a (Your role/ Position) I need to (use of the feature change being requested) so that (benefit behind the feature request).
    2. Click Submit. You will receive an email from ICT Support to show that your ticket has been received.
    3. You can track the status of your feature request on Help/ View New Feature Requests.



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How to Log a Support Ticket in Odoo
