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Sales Force Member Demotion

Thandi Lebeta Updated by Thandi Lebeta


Sales force members (SFM) who do not meet the set criteria from the BBB support office are demoted to the lower level. The demotion's effective date should be the 1st of every month, but the sales force admin can also demote the SFM on any date of the month as requested by the sales force. Once the Sales Force admin receives the 'Demotion' request she must follow the following process on Odoo to demote the SFM.

Responsible Team

  • Sales Force Manager
  • Contact Centre Manager
  • Sales Force Admin

Navigate to your Odoo dashboard and click on this application: Sales Force

Navigate as follows to get to the correct screen:

Sales Force /Active(Consultants, Prospective Managers, Managers, Prospective Distributors)

Once the 'Sales Force' screen has been opened, you will land on a screen that looks like this:


  1. In the 'Sales Force' dropdown, choose the active group (Consultants, Prospective Managers, Managers, Prospective Distributors) you wish to demote from. For instance, to demote a 'Manager' to 'Consultant', select 'Managers' as displayed on the screen above, and the subsequent screen will appear:
  2. Click on the checkbox for the 'Manager' you want to demote.
  3. Click on [Action].
  4. Select 'Demote Managers' as shown on the screen below:
  5. On the pop-up screen as shown below, enter the following:
    1. Enter the name or SFM Code for the 'Manager' you want to move the 'Recruits' and 'Consultants' to, on 'Move Consultants to Manager'.
    2. Select the 'Demotion Date' on the pop-up 'Calender Widget'.
      The 'Demotion Date' should be the day you are 'Demoting' the SFM.
    3. Select the 'Demotion Effective Date' on the pop-up 'Calender Widget'.
      The 'Demotion Effective Date' should be the 1st of the month that the SFM was demoted.
    4. Select the 'Demotion Reason' for SFM promotion on the dropdown.
      Make sure that you move the linked 'Recruits' and 'Consultants' before demotion.
  6. Click the [Demote] button.
  7. Once the SFM is demoted, their information will disappear from the 'Managers' list and move to the 'Consultants' list as shown on the screen below:
    The system will automatically update the information for 'Demoted' SFMs. This process includes the automatic reassignment of all associated 'Recruits' and 'Consultants' to the new 'Manager'.
  8. Once the demotion process is completed, the system will save all the demoted SFMs.


What should I do if the system takes too long to demote the SFM?
Wait for the system to process the information.

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