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Inbound VoIP Calling

Thandi Lebeta Updated by Thandi Lebeta


BBB has a Contact Centre with agents that deal with two primary tasks: inbound communication (reactive) that relates to product queries and general helpdesk issues, and outbound communication (proactive) that primarily relates to the onboarding of new salespeople (Leads) and allocating of salespeople to Consultants.

Agents conducting both inbound and outbound communication should be able to utilize the call functionality in Odoo.

The agents need to be able to communicate with the 'Leads' and Sales Force Members (SFMs) in Odoo.

Some of the reasons for inbound and outbound calls are:

  • SFM complaints
  • Pay-in sheets
  • Consultants movement
  • Customer requests

Responsible Team

  • Contact Centre Agents
  • Contact Centre Lead

Navigate to your Odoo dashboard and click on this application: Sales Force

Sales Force

Once you click the 'Sales Force' application you will land on a screen that looks like the below:


Inbound calls:
  1. The call will automatically come into Odoo from the Potential Lead and/or Sales Force Member.
    Before receiving the inbound call, you must ensure that her microphone is connected to the laptop.
  2. When you see an incoming call, you should click the [Green] phone icon to answer as shown in the diagram below:
    1. Speak to the caller.
      If the caller wants to communicate with another person in the business, click on the icon highlighted as shown below:
      On 'Transfer to', enter the 'cell number' or 'name' of the person you want to and click on the [Transfer] button.
      The call will ring on the other person's laptop or phone.
  3. When you are done talking to the caller, you should click the [Red] phone icon as shown in the diagram above.
    The summary of the calls received or rejected will be shown in the 'VoIP' widget screen.
  4. Once the call is done, the summary of the calls will show on 'Recent' in the 'VoIP' widget screen as shown in the diagram below:
  5. To log out of 'VoIP', click the 'x' on the top right of the 'VoIP' widget screen.

How did we do?

Outbound VoIP Calling
