Capturing and Validate an Internal Breakage

Thandekile Updated by Thandekile


If product breakages occur in the warehouse, they will be captured onto an Order form, checked with Security and signed off by the Warehouse manager. The Order form should then be sent to the Inventory Clerks, so they can capture the broken items onto Odoo.

Responsible Team

  • Procurement & Stock Management Clerk
  • Procurement Manager
  • Warehouse Manager

Navigate to your Odoo dashboard and click on this application: Inventory

Please navigate as follows to get to the correct screen:

Inventory Overview/ Internal Breakages

You should now land on a screen that looks like this:


  1. Click [CREATE] to begin capturing, you should land on a screen that looks like this:
  1. Under the tab Detailed Operations, click on Add a line to add the items that are on the physical order form by searching for the product code or description of the item .
  2. Click [SAVE].
  3. once all products and quantities are added and verified as complete, click [VALIDATE].
  4. The Items will now be moved out of WH/Stock to the Virtual Locations/ Internal Breakages location.



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