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Registration and Login Process for PaySpace

Thandi Lebeta Updated by Thandi Lebeta


This manual outlines the process for registering and logging into PaySpace through Odoo.

PaySpace helps the business with the following:

  • Streamline payroll and HR processes.
  • Users gain valuable insights into their payroll and leave information.

Responsible Team

  • BBB Support Office

Navigate to your Odoo dashboard and click on this application: PaySpace


Start the PaySpace registration by following the process below:

  1. Once you click on the 'PaySpace' application, you will land on a screen that looks like this:
    Please note that you will be taken to a separate browser window. This is because the nature of the PaySpace content is extremely sensitive and does not live within Odoo.
  2. Click on 'Register', and you will land on a screen that looks like this:
  3. Enter your work 'Email Address'.
  4. Click 'Register', and you will land on a screen pop-up that looks like this:
  5. Click on 'Close'.
  6. You should have received an email from PaySpace 'External - Self Service'.
  7. Open the email, and you will land on a screen pop-up that looks like this:
  8. Click on 'Activate Profile', and you will land on a screen pop-up that looks like this:
  9. Enter the 'New Password' and 'Confirm Password'.
  10. Click on 'Register', and you will land on a screen pop-up that looks like this:
  11. Enter your work 'Email Address'.
  12. Click on 'Next', and you will land on a screen pop-up that looks like this:
    1. Enter your new 'Password'.
    2. Click 'Login'.
      If you want to Reset your password, Click on 'Reset Password' and follow the prompts to reset your password.
  13. Once you click 'Login', you will land on a screen that looks like this:
    Great, you have just logged into PaySpace!
For additional information, click on the link below to learn more about the PaySpace registration process.


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