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Creating a Manufacturing Order

Thandi Lebeta Updated by Thandi Lebeta


A manufactured order is generated when one or more products are packaged together to form a single manufactured stock-keeping product.

At the start of this process, the manufactured product code and bill of materials should already exist. This is created in the Inventory application under the 'Products' menu in Odoo.

Once the procurement manager has finished creating the bill of materials, they have to capture the new manufacturing order in Odoo.

Responsible Team

  • Merchandise Team
  • Procurement Manager
  • Warehouse Manager

Navigate to your Odoo dashboard and click on this application: Inventory

Navigate as follows to get to the correct screen:

Inventory/ Inventory Overview/ Manufacturing

You should now land on a screen that looks like this:


  1. Click [CREATE], you should now see this screen:
  1. Enter:
    1. The 'manufacture this product' code in the 'Product' field. Once you entered the manufactured product code, the components of the BOM should automatically populate.
    2. If the components of the Product does not populate automatically, it means the Bill of the Materials of the Manufactured product has not been created or has been created under the incorrect BoM type. The correct BoM type is "Manufacture this product'.
    3. Enter the manufactured Product quantity in the 'Quantity' field.
    4. Quantity should always be in units.
  2. Click [SAVE].
  3. Click [CONFIRM].
  4. Click [MARK AS DONE].
  5. The quantity of the components should reduce and the quantity of the manufactured product increase



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Unbuilding a Manufacturing Order
