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Validate a Physical Return

Thandi Lebeta Updated by Thandi Lebeta


Once warehouse personnel and security has verified the Returns Checking Slip against the counted products that arrived at the warehouse, the Returns Checking Slip is handed back to the Warehouse administration team to update the stock back into the warehouse.

Responsible Team

  • Security
  • Warehouse Personnel
  • Warehouse administration

Navigate to your Odoo dashboard and click on this application: Inventory

Navigate as follows to get to the correct screen:

Inventory Overview/Physical Returns

On the search bar at the top, type in the Distributor's or Manager's name, you should now land on a screen that looks like this:


  1. Select the correct Physical Return for the Distributor or Manager, you should now land on a screen that looks like this:
  2. Once the count has been done at the warehouse, check the Returns Checking Slip then:
    1. Click [EDIT]
      1. If products exists on the Returns Checking Slip and is marked as not found, verify with security that this is the case, then the 'Done' quantity should be set to 0.
      2. If a product's quantity on the Physical Return does not match the checked quantity on the Returns Checking Slip, the 'Done' column should be updated with the actual quantity that was counted.
      3. If a product was counted but not captured on the Physical Return, security and warehouse personnel should alert the administration team by writing the product on the Returns Checking Slip.
      4. This should then be added to the Physical Return and can be done by capturing the counted products.
  3. Once all products have been verified and the Physical Return is complete, click [VALIDATE] to bring the products into warehouse stock.
    Once Physical Returns are validated, warehouse stock has increased by the quantities of these products.
  4. This Physical Return is now ready for the Credit Note to be created.


I am receiving an error message relating to products not being on last month's pricelist, why am I receiving this error and what action should I take?
Products that are not on the prior month's pricelist cannot be returned and therefore should not be captured, if these are captured, they will cause the above mentioned error and you should click 'EDIT' and delete the item by selecting the trash can on the right hand side of the product row.
I'm receiving an error that a product on the Physical Return reflects an error that it's not on a pricelist, what should I do?
 Contact ICT to direction you on how to remove the error. This can be done on Odoo by logging an issue, please refer to 'Additional Help' or alternatively try this link: How to log an issue in Odoo

How did we do?

Capture a Physical Return and Print a Returns Checking Slip

Create a Distributor Credit note
