Amend/Update a Product

Thandekile Updated by Thandekile


This document defines the process to be followed on Odoo when amending a field on an already existing product. The changes should be updated as per instructions given from the Merchandise department.

Responsible Team

  • Brand Manager
  • Procurement Manager
  • Procurement and Stock Management Clerk

Navigate to your Odoo dashboard and click on this application: Inventory

Navigate as follows to get to the correct screen:

Inventory/Products/ Products

On the search bar at the top, type in the Product code or Product name, you should now land on a screen that looks like this:


  1. Click on the product, you should land on a screen that looks like this:
  2. Click [EDIT].
  3. You should now be able to amend any of the existing entries on the product.
  4. Always log a note, stating the reason for making changes to the product.
  5. When Discontinuing a product, select the checkbox labelled 'Discontinued', this means you cannot place a purchase order against the product code.
  6. Once you've edited as required, click [SAVE].


How did we do?

Create a Product

Archiving a Product
