Table of Contents

Installing Odoo as an application

Thandi Lebeta Updated by Thandi Lebeta

Smartphone and iPad

  1. For iOS users go to App Store and for Android users, go to Play Store.
    1. Search Odoo.
    2. Click [Download] icon.
    3. When downloading is complete, click [Open].
  2. You are now in the app, to log in enter:
    1. BBB Information:
    2. Your work Email address
    3. Your Odoo Password
  3. Click [LOG IN], you should now land on a screen that looks like this:
  4. The Odoo application is now ready to be used.


  1. On Microsoft edge URL bar, search
  2. Click [Enter] on your keyboard, you should now land on a screen that looks like this:
  3. You are now in the app, to Log In Enter:
    1. Your work Email address
    2. Your Odoo Password
  4. Click [LOG IN], you should now land on a screen that looks like this:
  5. In your browser click on the ellipses (), then on the drop down list select "App" and on submenu select "Install this site as an app" as shown in the screen below:
  6. Click [Install], you should now land on a screen that looks like this:
  7. On 'Allow this app to', check the option 'Pin to taskbar'.
  8. Click [Allow].
  9. The Odoo Icon will now show on your computer taskbar and ready to be used.



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Two Factor Authentication Set Up
