Validate picking for Sales Orders - Out of Stock report

Dilshaad Daware Updated by Dilshaad Daware


Once a Distributor's ordered products has been picked and the Sales Picking Slip is filled in, the picking should be finalised in Odoo.

Navigate to your Odoo dashboard and click on this application: Sales

Please navigate as follows to get to the correct screen:


In the search bar at the top, type in your Distributor order number or search by Distributor, you should now see a screen like this:


  1. On the right hand side, next to 'Customer Preview' , click on the Delivery panel. Please note that the number on the Delivery tab above reflects the number of picking Delivery transfer, which is printed as Sales Picking slips, alongside an Out of Stock report.
  2. Select the Delivery transfer for checking and Validation.
  3. Click [EDIT].
  4. The sales order delivery transfer must be checked and compared to the Sales Picking slip and Out of Stock report.
  5. For the Out of Stock products, the following logic applies:
    1. Fully out of Stock: when the full quantity ordered is out of stock, this product will not appear on the Sales picking slip. If these are picked and this report reflect the quantity, it should be entered as 'Done' on the Delivery transfer. If these have not been picked, the 'Done' value should be set to zero.
    2. Partially out of stock: When some stock is available, the product appears on both reports: the picking slips shows what's available for picking on Odoo and the Out of Stock report will reflect the remainder of the unavailable quantities. A product appearing on the Out of Stock report should be checked for the quantity ordered and quantity on the picking slip.
  6. To complete the validation of the picking slip:
    1. Check the Sales Picking slips, the 'Done' quantity should be updated on the Delivery Transfer on Odoo to the picked quantity on the Sales picking slips.
    2. Products not found should be set to zero.
    3. When Validating a kit (Bulk Deal or Combo), ensure that the ratio of what has been picked is equal to the ratio of the original bulk deal ordered, e.g.
      Bulk Deal A = 1 of product X and 2 of product Y
      Ordered quantity of A = 2
      Picking Validation Ratio = 2 units of product X and 4 units of product Y
  7. Please double check that both the Out of Stock report and Picking slip product quantities are correctly captured and found satisfactory before Validating.
  8. Click [VALIDATE].
  9. Then select the next Transfer for this sales order and repeat all checks in steps 3-7 until the order is completed.
  10. Note 'Reserved' values are now set to '0'.
  11. Double check again that all updates and corrections are as expected after validation. Any mistakes picked up should be escalated to the Inventory or warehouse manager before the invoice is created.
  12. Once all Picking transfers are validated, this sales order is in a Delivered state and is ready to be Invoiced.



How did we do?

Create an Invoice and Print Delivery Note

Sales Order 'Stock Order Form' Import
