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Sales Force Member Suspension

Thandi Lebeta Updated by Thandi Lebeta


For various reasons, sales force members (SFMs) can be 'Suspended' by BBB temporarily. Once the sales force admin receives the 'Suspend' request from the BBB support office, she must follow the following process on Odoo to suspend the SFM.

Responsible Team

  • Sales Force Manager
  • Contact Centre Manager
  • Sales Force Admin

Navigate to your Odoo dashboard and click on this application: Sales Force

Navigate as follows to get to the correct screen:

Sales Force /Active(Consultants, Prospective Managers, Managers, Prospective Distributors)

Once the 'Sales Force' screen has been opened, you will land on a screen that looks like this:


  1. On the 'Sales Force' dropdown, select either active (Consultants, Prospective Managers, Managers, Prospective Distributors) that you want to 'Suspend' from: for example; to suspend a 'Manager', click on 'Managers' as shown on the screen above and you will see the screen below:
  2. Click on the checkbox for the 'Manager' you want to suspend.
  3. Click on [Action], you will see the screen as shown below:
  4. Click 'Suspend Managers', you will see the pop-up screen as shown below:
    1. Select the 'Suspend Reason' from the pop-up screen above.
  5. Click the [Suspend] button.
  6. Once the SFM is suspended, their information will disappear from the 'Managers' list and move to the 'Inactive' (Consultants, Prospective Managers, Managers, Prospective Distributors) list as shown on the screen below:

The system will automatically update the 'Suspend' SFM's information and all the linked 'Recruits' and 'Consultants' will remain under her.


What should I do if the system takes long to suspend the SFM?
Wait for the system to process the information.

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