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Create a Consultant

Thandi Lebeta Updated by Thandi Lebeta


Before the agent can capture pay-in sheets, they have to first search for a 'Consultant' on Sales Force or Search for Consultants on Odoo and if they cannot find her/him, then they have to 'Create Consultant' on Odoo. The agent must follow the following process on Odoo to Create a Consultant.

Responsible Team

  • Contact Centre Manager
  • Contact Centre Team Leader
  • Contact Centre Agent

Navigate to your Odoo dashboard and click on this application: Sales Force

Navigate as follows to get to the correct screen:

Sales Force/Recruit/Create Consultant

Once the 'Create Consultant' screen has been opened, you will land on a screen that looks like this:


  1. On the 'Create New Consultant' screen above:
    1. Enter the 'Full Name' of the new consultant.
    2. Enter the 'Mobile' number of the new consultant.
    3. Select 'ID Type':
      1. Select either 'ID Number' or 'Passport'.
      2. Enter either 'ID Number' or 'Passport'.
    4. On the 'Recruitment type'; if you choose 'Internal', then follow the steps below.
    5. On the 'Recruitment Medium'.
      1. Select 'Pay-In Sheet', and you will see the screen as shown below:
    6. Enter the 'Manager' sfm code and his/her name will automatically populate.
    7. The 'Country' will default to the manager's country.
    8. Otherwise, enter the 'New Consultant's' country.
  2. Click on the [Create] button and the pop-up screen as shown below will appear on your computer.
  3. Once you create a 'Consultant', the system will automatically store the 'New Consultant' information and the agent can be able to 'Add a Line' on the pay-in sheet lines.



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