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Sales Force Member Information Editing

Thandi Lebeta Updated by Thandi Lebeta


The necessary 'Sales Force Member' (SFM) details can be updated daily on Odoo by the contact centre or sales force. To proceed, follow the steps outlined below.

Responsible Team

  • Contact Centre Team
  • Contact Centre Team Manager
  • Contact Centre Team Leader

Navigate to your Odoo dashboard and click on this application: Sales Force

Navigate as follows to get to the correct screen:

Sales Force

Once the sales force has been opened, you will land on a screen that looks like this:


  1. On the 'Search bar', search the SFM using any of the following:
    1. ID Number
    2. Mobile Number
    3. Name
    4. Passport
    5. SFM Code
  2. Click 'Enter' on the keyboard, you should now land on a screen that looks like this:
  3. Select the 'SFM' by clicking on the line.
    1. Click [EDIT], you should now land on a screen that looks like this:
    2. Select the editable 'Field' you wish to modify as indicated on the screen above.
    3. Click [SAVE].
  4. The Sales Force Member's 'Updated' information and record will automatically be saved by the system.
    Please do not be alarmed when the chatter updates the field that you did not edit. Reach out to ICT for assistance if needed.



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