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Confirm a Purchase Order

Thandekile Updated by Thandekile


Once the Vendor responds to the Request for quotation (RFQ) that was sent, the RFQ needs to be updated in Odoo. This communication will be received from the Brand Manager.

Responsible Team

  • Logistics co-ordinator
  • Brand Manager
  • Procurement & Stock Management Clerk

Navigate to your Odoo dashboard and click on this application: Purchase

Navigate as follows to get to the correct screen:

Orders/ Request for Proposal

On the search bar at the top, type in the RFQ code, you should now land on a screen that looks like this:


  1. Select the correct RFQ. Click [EDIT], you should now land on a screen that looks like this:
  1. Review and update the information given by the supplier under the following headings:
    1. Vendor Reference
    2. Planned Shipment Date
    3. ETA Warehouse
  2. Review and update the products and requested quantities confirmed for delivery by the Vendor's response.
  3. Once you've entered the correct quantities, click [CONFIRM ORDER].
  4. Once the PO has been confirmed with the supplier and on Odoo, the Procurement and the warehouse team should now await the arrival of the stock.


How do I search for my RFQ if I cannot remember the number?
In the search bar at the top, type in the name or part of the name of the vendor, press Enter. All records relating to this vendor will appear.

How did we do?

Create a Request for Quotation

Creating a Receipt
