Additional Help

​Installing Odoo as an application

Introduction. Odoo is..... Responsible Team. BBB Team. Installing Odoo as an application onto your Smartphone. For iOS users go to App Store. For Android users, go to Play Store.. Search Odoo.. Click…

Thandi Lebeta
Updated by Thandi Lebeta

​How to Register a Guest on BBB - Guest Wi-Fi

Introduction. This document introduces a method for granting guest Wi-Fi access through SMS. The process begins with BBB employees registering guests by inputting their names and mobile numbers into…

Thandi Lebeta
Updated by Thandi Lebeta

​Dot Matrix printing - How to and Troubleshooting

Introduction. Once the credit note or sales invoice is created, the Sales order clerk or warehouse manager uses a dot matrix printer for printing. A dot matrix printer is a type of printer which uses…

Thandi Lebeta
Updated by Thandi Lebeta

Two Factor Authentication Set Up

Downloading the Two Factor Authenticator App onto your Smartphone. For iOS users go to App Store. For Android users, go to Play Store.. Search Microsoft Authenticator.. Click [ Install].. When done i…

Updated by Thandekile

Automated Signature

An automated HTML signature has been created for each person with a BBB email account. You will be required to delete all existing Outlook signatures. Below are the steps to follow: Click File > Opti…

Updated by Thandekile
